Our November meeting will be Saturday the 16th at 2PM. This time, we’ll be at the home of Betty Tew, 1809 Keokuk Court in Apex. It’s off Old Jenks Rd. near Highway 55.
This month, we’ll be talking about playing duets, including some techniques that we’ll try out. We will also feature the music of Joe Young. Then we’ll take a look at the flutes of Leroy Cully. As always, we’ll also make lots of music. If you have a song to share, whether it’s a traditional tune, an improv piece, or a jam with you and a few friends, we look forward to hearing it. If you just want to hang out and listen, that’s cool too. If you’d like to bring a snack to share, feel free to do so.
If you’re up for a road trip, Native Rhythms Festival — http://nativerhythmsfestival.com/ — is this coming weekend, November 8-10, in Melbourne, FL, just south of Orlando. It’s a great event with lots of wonderful performances, workshops, and vendors. If you’re interested in going and would like to share a ride and possibly a hotel room, please let me know. I know of at least one person who is interested in carpooling, and I’d love to help connect people so that more of our friends from the Raleigh/Durham area can attend this festival.
Also, our friend Randy Granger will be back in town the week of November 12-16. If you’re interested in hosting a house concert, Randy would love to perform for your family and friends. For more information, please contact Dawn Leith (dawnofanewage@hotmail.com).
And finally, just so you can get it on your calendar, our 2nd Annual Holiday Musical Shindig will be Saturday, December 14th at 2PM at my home in Holly Springs. More details will follow in a few weeks.
As always, feel free to get in touch if you have any feedback regarding the flute circle. I look forward to seeing you on the 16th at Betty’s house.