Flute Friends,
Happy Fourth of July! Our next meeting will be this Saturday the 7th at 2PM. This month, we’ll be at Dawn and Ed Dougherty’s new home, 2685 Ridgeville Rd in Prospect Hill, up Highway 86 north of Hillsborough. Their phone number is 919-801-2846 if you get lost or need directions. Ed and Dawn have two large lab dogs as well as a tiny but spunky cat, in case you have allergies or issues with animals.
This will also be our summer potluck, so please bring a dish to share if you’re able.
This month, we’ll forego our usual program and just enjoy making some music. If the weather cooperates, there may be some hatchet and knife throwing as well.
As always, if you have a song to share, whether it’s a traditional tune, an improv piece, or a jam with you and a few friends, we look forward to hearing it. If you just want to hang out and listen, that’s cool too.
The following is our 2018 schedule. Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to host this year. We do still need facilitators some months, as noted below, so please let me know if you’d like to help with leading our playing activities. Here’s the schedule:
August 11: Melissa & Tony / Mara
September 8: Dave / Facilitator needed
October 20: Barbara
November 3: Jeff & Kim Martin / Facilitator needed
December 8: Annual holiday shindig at Jon’s house
Feel free to get in touch if you have any feedback regarding the flute circle. I look forward to seeing you on the 7th.